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Angerpath - Forgotten World
Asmodeus - Pobrezi kralovny Marie
Asmodeus - Prijezd krale
Birth A.D. - I Blame You
Christ Agony - Darkside
Christ Agony - Moonlight - Act III
Criminal Element - Criminal Crime Time
Crionic - Different
Damnable - Inperdition
Derogatory - Above All Else
Desecration - Cemetery Sickness
Hostia - Carnivore Carnival
Hostia - Hostia
Krabathor - Demonizer (Mortal Memories II)
Magnus - Alcoholic Suicide
Morfin - Consumed By Evil
Morfin - Inoculation
Mortifilia - ... When I Killed The God
Mortifilia - The Great Inferno (black vinyl)
Root - Black Seal
Sorath - Orizontas gegonoton
Sphere - Blood Era
Tenebris - Only Fearless Dreams
Torr – Inkvizitorr
Unearthly - Flagellum Dei
Unearthly - The Unearthly